Just wanted to remind you of some of the key points from our Bible study the other night as we studied the rise of a hero. Continue thinking about what it means to BE a hero and how to BECOME a hero.
Looking at Moses story of his rise as a hero, here are three things to keep thinking about this week.
1. Take off your shoes (even if it stinks)- Because God is here. God told Moses he was standing on Holy ground. Sure church may seem like Holy ground, but its not the only place. Where you are right now, God is there and that makes it Holy. Don't forget it- School, with your friends, at your house- God is there!
2. Answer the phone (God is calling)- You don't have to be a pastor to be "called by God." God is here (where you are) and he is calling you. He is calling you to accept his love and he is calling you because he has big plans for you. It may not be through a bush, but listen because God is calling you.
3. You aren't good enough (but God is more than enough)- You can do a good job at school, you can get a great career, you can even be a great friend, but you aren't good enough for what God is calling you to do (BUT....) Just look at Moses- God called him to free the Hebrew people from the super powerful country of Egypt. Moses didn't have the military skills, or even the speaking skills to get it done (BUT....) God was more than enough for this job. That's how it is with you too. God is calling you to something more than you are capable of. God is calling you to shoot for the stars and frankly, you aren't good enough. BUT God made those stars and limits and boundaries and inadequacies just don't seem to hold God back.
So as you stand with your shoes off, holding your cell phone realizing you aren't enough- prepare your self. Some people are meant to be extraordinary and you are one of these people. God has called you to be a hero.