Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sweet Vid
This is a pretty awsome video by David Crowder that matches hero them. It even combines super heroes and rock heroes. Feel free to comment on what this video means.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I hope y'all are getting excited about our rock'n new Bible study. Im pretty stoked (I'm not sure people use that word anymore) about the new 6th and 7th graders moving up and even more psyched (ok, they definately don't say that) about the new schedule. Enough outdated slang, here are some cool details for September.
O.T. (September 7 & 14)- Josh
N.T. (September 21 & 28)-Tracey Buff
Our Bible study will always be a little bit of a Rock-star party with stuff ranging from ridiulous fun (ie. Guitar Hero) to ridiculously meaningful (the Bible), but we still are going to schedule extra times to party, have fun and get to know eachother better.
Guitar Hero Party- Ok, we may actually do Rockband, not guitar hero but we'll see. Either way it will be on September 12 from 6:00-9:00
O.T. (September 7 & 14)- Josh
N.T. (September 21 & 28)-Tracey Buff
Our Bible study will always be a little bit of a Rock-star party with stuff ranging from ridiulous fun (ie. Guitar Hero) to ridiculously meaningful (the Bible), but we still are going to schedule extra times to party, have fun and get to know eachother better.
Guitar Hero Party- Ok, we may actually do Rockband, not guitar hero but we'll see. Either way it will be on September 12 from 6:00-9:00

Monday, August 4, 2008
Become a Super H E R O
Being a caped crusader or a guitar slinging rockstar isn’t easy. It requires all kinds of special skills, gadgets, knowledge, and a whole lot of persistence. That’s why we are going to focus on a few tools to becoming a hero of faith.
Scripture Memory- We are not unarmed heroes. In addition to the cool armor pieces described in Ephesians 6, we have the sword of the spirit. Hone your sword skills through scripture memory. There will be two memory verses per month- one from the O.T. and one from the N.T.
Just Being There- A quality that all heroes share is a commitment to what gives them purpose. For crime fighter’s it is justice, for rockstars, its it’s good old fashioned rock-and-roll. The commitment of time to show up is a critical step to becoming a hero. Each week will take attendance to see who “is there.” You will receive one free pass per month.

Books of the Bible- If you had a whole bunch of gadgets designed to help you fight crime but couldn’t pull the right one out at the right time they wouldn’t be much good. Learning where stuff is may seem boring at first but even super heroes need. By December you should memorize the names of every book of the Bible in order.

You can choose how much you will do. There will be different rewards based on the amoun you complete.
You will be invited to an exclusive Rock-star party
You will be invited to an exclusive Rock-star party
You will receive a custom heroes t-shirt
You will be invited to an exclusive Rock-star party
You will receive a custom heroes t-shirt
You will receive a custom heroes t-shirt
You will be able to design the custom t-shirt
What's the Deal with the new schedule?
In the past we have had a Bible study on Wednesday nights and Sundays have mainly been for choir. Now we are doing an even cooler Bible study on Sunday nights with a more varied and interesting schedule on Wednesday.
I'm not in choir, should I come?
Definitely! This is not choir related at all. Of course choir is pretty cool and I'd suggest you give it a try, but regardless you are invited to the snack supper and Bible study.
Whats the schedule?
Things start at 6:00 with a snack supper for both High School and Middle school and split up afterwards for a separate Bible studies. The time is purposefully left off because some weeks we may do a group activity or two before Bible study and other weeks we may go straight into our separate groups (and have some activities within the individual Bible study groups).
Whats the deal with 6th graders?
The youth group now consists of 6th-12th grade. This will allow us to have true Middle School group for Bible study and special activities.
Will I have to hang out with 6th graders/12th graders?
This change does mean that High Schoolers will be interacting with 6th graders more. It also means that there will be a lot more aimed at the specific age group you are in than ever before.
H e r o e s
How will this be different from the High School Bible study?
We will be doing different games and activities which I think you will agree are a lot more fun. Also we have some special rewards and stuff that they don't. We'll have ways to get sweet rewards through 1. memorizing scripture, 2. memorizing the books of the Bible 3. showing up.
Do I have to memorize stuff? That sounds stupid!
No you don't have to. There are rewards for doing so but obviously its your choice. Besides getting rewards, memorizing this stuff actually makes a bigger difference than just a reward. It gives you tools you can use to talk about and understand life better which is pretty cool all by itself.
Will We watch the Heroes TV Show?
Our theme may use the NBC tv shows logo, but isn't based on the show. We will probably use very short clips from the show but wont be watching the whole thing. In regards to tv, movies, & video games I want to support your parents on what they think is good to watch- I know that may be different for each of you.
Will we get to act stupid?
My guess is there is no stopping that... just kidding. Yeah, we'll try to have fun and do some "goofy things."
Will it be like school?
Maybe a little. But school has got lots of cool stuff- hanging with friends, sports, one or two classes that are pretty interesting. Bible study will have a bunch of fun stuff, but will require a little thinking and paying attention which may remind you of school. Then again it may remind you of Guitar Hero which requires a lot of thinking and paying attention.
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